Privacy Policy

This policy outlines the ways in which Dr Rebecca Wade’s practice handles the personal information of clients. Privacy is taken seriously and this practice complies with the Australian Privacy Principles in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).

Personal information

Personal information is any information about an individual that can be used to identify them directly or indirectly, such as name, address, phone number, email address, and date of birth.

Sensitive information is a type of personal information which includes details, for example, about a person’s racial or ethnic origins, political or religious beliefs, sexual orientation, health or genetic information, family court orders or criminal record. The breach of sensitive information is likely to leave people open to discrimination or embarrassment.

Purpose of collecting personal information

The sharing of personal information by a client with Dr Rebecca Wade assists in assessing and supporting clients in processing their identified concerns. Personal information is retained to enable provision of relevant and informed service. Within this practice and due to its duty of care, a client cannot be anonymous. A client may request to use a pseudonym, but a name as listed on ID’s is required.

Ways of collecting personal information

Personal information is collected through a variety of means, including:

• the information you verbally share
• written communication received from you via email, SMS or letter
• the intake form
• social media
• the guardian of those under 18 years of age
• a referral from your GP or another treating practitioner or service

Storage of personal information

To protect your personal information from misuse or loss, it is stored in several ways, all of which are secure and can only be accessed by approved individuals. The method of storage varies between types of information and includes both hard copies and digital versions (either on a secure server or offline).

Any credit card or banking details are not retained once processing the payment is finalised. Unnecessary information, is disposed of securely from time to time depending on the type on information it is and according to legal obligations.

 If made aware of a security breach, it will be promptly investigated and, where appropriate, remedial action taken and the individual notified affected in accordance with the Privacy Act.

Disclosure of personal information

Your personal information will not be disclosed to third parties without your consent, except when the disclosure is required by law. It is unlikely that any information will be disclosed to a recipient outside of Australia.

Accessing personal information

You may request access to personal information that is held about you. You may be asked to specify what information you require and a fee may be charged where access is provided. All requests for access to personal information are dealt with as required by the Privacy Act. A refusal to provide access may occur if the Privacy Act allows the practice to do so.

Integrity of your personal information

This practice tries to ensure that the personal information we collect is accurate and up to date. You may request an update or correction to personal information held about you and all such requests will be dealt with as required by the Privacy Act.


If you think your personal information has not been handled in line with the Privacy Act, please contact this practice in the first instance. Your complaint will be investigated and the practice will try to promptly resolve your complaint directly with you. If you are not satisfied with the outcome, then you may make a complaint to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC). For information about how to make such a complaint, please refer to the OAIC website

Changes to this privacy policy

Changes to this privacy policy may be made from time to time and in such cases clients will be notified clients by email or on this website.


If you have any questions relating to privacy matters, please contact the practice by email at

Last updated April 2024